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Pics Print FAQ

How do I ...?

Look in the help file (Help menu -> 'How do I'). If you still have questions, contact

How do I remove red eyes?

See here.

Registration Key

How do I enter my registration key?

See Here


After I print images, Pics Print says it's done, but the images don't print.

Pics Print can generate very large files. A multi-page document with several images can take 100mb. Windows 9x machines in particular can take some time to process and print these. In order to make the images print faster, go into the Printing Options (View menu -> Options) and place a check in the 'Print Pages separately' box.

Why do images appear all over the place?

This is a problem with Windows 95 - Windows ME and some video cards. Make sure you have version 1.09 or later.  This fixes all known image display problems.


I downloaded Ver. x and tried to enter my previous registration code and received a message saying it was incorrect or out of date. Do I need to keep entering the code to upgrade registered copies, or is this automatic?

You do not need to re-enter the registration key, unless you have deleted the pprint.lic file in your install directory. If you need a new registration key, please contact sales.

Do I need to uninstall the version I have before installing a new version ?

No, just install over the original version.

Where do I download updates from?

Just download a new trial version from downloads and install over the original.